Cyril Briquet

About me

Currently : In position as a Gameplay Programmer at Ubisoft.

Past experiences include :

Short CV

Professional Projects

Flame-based lighting for virtual heritage

During my PhD I worked on the problematic of lighting a scene using only flames as light sources. I used Path Tracing and Bidirectional Path Tracing algorithm in PBRT. Here is an example of what the Notre-Dame bridge in paris could look like in the 18th century :

Pont Notre-Dame

I also worked on the optimisation of rendering image sequences where scenes are lit using only flames using path reusing in Path Tracing and Bidirectionnal Path Tracing. The left video is rendered in 23h, the one on the right in 3.1h :

Terrain Modeling from Feature Primitives On GPU

More info...



Wavelength is a game created in 3 months at the end of my master year. This project was presented in front of 400 people at the Gamagora Game Show 2014 in Lyon (France).

We were a team composed of 2 programmers, 7 Level designers and 6 3D graphic artists. The game engine used was UDK and we also built binary for use with the Oculus Rift DK1.

Wavelength is a survival horror FPS. The player is a soldier who has fight an enemy that can only be seen only with a specific device at a given visual frequency.

My part in the project was Core feature and AI programming.


Casse Diamants

Casse Diamants is a breakout style game with 2D gameplay and 3D graphics. It was developed for a programming test during the recruitment process for a job at CerebralFix.

Features :

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Hobby Projects


Chrononomicon is a prototype developed using Unity. It is currently a minimalist top-down 2D shooter. 

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Download the game :

Video recorded on 17/02/2020, it may not represent the current state of the game (lastest build dated from 12/03/2020)

Game controls : ZQSD to move, Left click to shoot, Mouse wheel to change weapon.

Rarium 3D 

Rarium 3D is a basic 3D mesh renderer.

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View History



Drawing is a compilation of computer graphics or mathematical subjects that I find visually interesting.

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Chococroco is a small 2D game prototype meant to try a new development approach, everything done during development was commented in a live-blog (the Gitlab wiki)

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Elemental Capture

Elemental Capture is a board game where you play against an IA and have to capture tiles to get the most elements

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